Sunday, February 13, 2011

Into the Unknown

Sometimes an adventure for one leads to a story shared with many.

I never thought I'd find myself a member of the blogosphere. But after resisting and denying the urge to write, I've given in, acknowledging that sometimes there's no better way to share emotions, dreams and schemes.

So I'll share what inspires and amuses me. I don't expect hordes of followers. Hell, I may be the only one who reads this, ultimately. But the outlet is welcome, even when it's painful to put thought to virtual paper. Sandra Cisneros, whose seminal book "The House on Mango Street" I'm currently reading, describes part of her creative process in the book's introduction: "At night, under the circle of light from a cheap metal lamp clamped to the kitchen table, she sits with paper and a pen and pretends she's not afraid." I understand that fear, the struggle to shape an idea and communicate to an as-yet-met reader. Or design client. Or gallery visitor. Or clothes horse. It's all one and the same.

Living with an open heart presents challenges, but the rewards are great. Writing with an open mind offers no easy roads either, but I'll do my best.

Because no adventure teaches without challenges.

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